Monday, January 19, 2009

First time at the Beach

We had a trip to the beach today. It was the first time that Cal had been to the beach. He had a great time, but got cold fairly quickly. He was loving the water and splashed heaps, played with the sand and of course tried to eat some too!

Caitlin was so excited too. She had only had a splash at the edge of the water and a dig in the sand since being here and today actually got her bathers on. She loves the rock pools, but we have to be so careful of blue ringed octopus here. She was fascinated with the sea snails we found in a pool.

I will post photos of our trip to the beach in my next post.

A quick update of Callum's progress: he is trying hard to pull himself up to standing at the moment, and actually succeded last night in the bath! It is really hard to sit him down on his bottom at all because he wants to stand and walk with you. I have been trying to give him as much practice as possible so that he gets stronger every day and improves his ballance.

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