Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some Photos

Both of the kids just love us reading to them. I am so grateful that Craig loves reading as much as I do and is setting a great example for both Caitlin and Cal.

Caitlin is loving her babushka dolls at the moment. Every day I have to open the biggest one for her so she can stack and sort and line them all up. I think there are 15 in the set and goes down to the size of a grain of rice. I worry that we will lose the smallest one or two, but hey, if they go by the wayside it doesn't matter I suppose because they have had good use so far!

Our little acrobat has learned a new trick (trained monkey!). She loves to hang upside down. She is getting stronger too. Because she has always had weak shoulders I have been paying attention to getting her to pull herself up using her arms and try to get herself high enough to flick her legs over the bar. She perhaps gets about half way by herself, which is pretty cool.

Dad's earmuffs are also the flavour of the month. Doesn't she look cute?

I have just realised there is a distinct lack of photos of Callum in this post. I will have to make up for it in another one. This is just a classic photo - I get this frown all the time at the moment. He uses it to full effect. Whenever I do something that he doesn't like, I get this huge frown or scowl! I know I do it to Caitlin so that she knows that I don't like what she is doing so I don't need to discipline her in front of her friends, so I must unknowingly be giving the same look to Cal. Classic really! I must scrap this one!

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