Saturday, May 9, 2009

Walking and climbing

We went to Kennedy park on good Friday. The slide there generates a huge ammount of static and Callum's hair went silly! As soon as he put his feet on the ground, his hair fell back onto his head, like magic!

I love this photo of Cal. He has such a cheeky grin. He has just had another bout of tonsilitis, so his cheeky grin evaporated for a while, but we seem to be getting back on track with his tonsils again.

Callum is walking everywhere now and has lost that baby "toddle". He walks with his arms down mostly now rather than held high to balance himself. He started walking full time over the easter weekend (about the 12th of April).

He has also discovered climbing! I suppose he sees Caitlin climbing on things so thinks he is fine to as well!The slide is his main climbing frame, but only a couple of days ago I watched him pull the kids cane chair over to my scrabooking desk, climb on it and proceed to take what he thought was interresting off my desk! I found it funny that first time, but it has shown me that I shouldn't keep anything out on my desk. Hence, my job this weekend is to tidy off my desk and make it safe (and workable again!). No pig stabbers in Cal's fingers (shutting them in doors is bad enough)!

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