Saturday, March 28, 2009

Quick update

Just an update:

Caitlin's wrap is GONE! We managed to lose it on a trip to the "stupormarket" on monday the 9th of February. We had been talking heaps about her not having it any more and that big school girls don't have a wrap, so when it came to the crunch she was really fine about it! About 4 weeks later we found it wedged at the back of her car seat. She was thrilled and sucked and snuggled away for all she was worth! It was pretty funny really! As we were going away the next day, we told her that she could have it that night but she wasn't allowed to take it away with her. Since then she has only asked for it a couple of times and when we have said no she has let it alone and gone about her business again. Last week I washed Koala Lou (small pink teady) and Caitlin told me that Koala Lou is now her wrap, and she has slept with her every night since! I think that is really cute.

Callum took two steps by himself on the 15th of March and on the 18th he took 4 steps by himself! YAY - finally we are getting somewhere! Today Craig and I noticed that he often lets go as he is walking around things and takes a few steps unaided. He is getting really steady on his feet and he can walk along when he is holding onto only one of our hands. He can also walk when he is holding onto Caitlin (which is not as stable as if he were holding onto one of our hands). We also noticed that he doesn't often fall over now but lowers himself gently to the floor! Now that he is 18 months he is on a time line! Pushy parents aren't we!

Happy birthday to Neil for last week and Michael, Clare and Craig for this week. I know Craig had a great day and I also hope the remainder had a good time too.

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