Sunday, December 4, 2011

St Barbara's Festival

 Yesterday was the annual St. Barbara's Day parade (aka, the christmas parade!). Caitlin was on a float for Outback Rhythm where she does acrobatics. She was thrilled when she picked us out in the crowd and threw us some candy canes.

Craig, Callum and a friend, Dougal took up a good spot on the footpath outside the pharmacy!

This float is the school float. We gave them a huge wave!

This year I think there must have been a record number of floats. They were cellebrating 12 years of the parade and so the theme was 12. The school float did a rendition of the 12 days of christmas. I think Caitlin's year 1 class had a big contributing role. I can't remember wany of the verses, but the last one was "And a principal called McLerie"

This pic is of the float that Caitlin was on. She is sitting right in the middle of the photo, sitting on a box. Her teacher is blocking most of her and Caitlin has her back/side to the camera. I was too busy waving to her at first to take a good photo! Caitlin said that it was the highlight of her day!

This is "Bluey" the huge dump truck. This is my favourite part of the parade each year. I love love love seeing this huge piece of machinery come down the main street. You don't see that in every town Christmas parade!

You can get an idea of the sheer size of the thing from this photo.

I will post photos of todays happenings later!

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